タ イ ・インドネシア・フィリピンの会計・税務


THAILAND 会計・税務 国・地域情報 




タイ国内消費の増加及び事業者のVAT登録推進を目的とした、3万バーツを上限とするショッピング控除が10月22日に公布されました(Ministerial Regulation No.368)。この控除を使うことで個人所得税の減額が可能です。以下概要をお伝えします。



Up to 30,000THB deduction from personal income

On October 22, 2020, the Ministerial Regulation No.368 issued by Ministry of finance regarding personal income deduction up to 30,000THB to stimulate domestic consumption and promote entrepreneurs to register VAT system. You can reduce your personal income tax amount by using this shopping deduction. Please refer overview to the following.

For our payroll customer,
If you would like to use this deduction, please let us know the amount of purchasing or send us a tax invoice by the time of payroll calculation on November or December. You can also request to refund overpaid personal income tax when you file your annual tax return (PND.91). But usually revenue department officer requests you to provide all evidence for deduction to you and it will be more complicate procedure, we recommend that adjusting personal income tax amount in monthly payroll. Thank you very much.


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